splitTagsLocal and splitTagsRemote functions split tag column from tag table placed in backpack.db into two separate columns: tagKey and tagValue.

splitTagsLocal(repoDir = aoptions("repoDir"))

splitTagsRemote(repo = aoptions("repo"), user = aoptions("user"),
  branch = aoptions("branch"), subdir = aoptions("subdir"),
  repoType = aoptions("repoType"))



While working with the local repository. A character denoting an existing directory of the Repository.


While working with the Github repository. A character containing a name of the Github repository on which the Repository is stored. By default set to NULL - see Note.


While working with the Github repository. A character containing a name of the Github user on whose account the repo is created. By default set to NULL - see Note.


While working with the Github repository. A character containing a name of the Github Repository's branch on which the Repository is stored. Default branch is master.


While working with the Github repository. A character containing a name of a directory on the Github repository on which the Repository is stored. If the Repository is stored in the main folder of the Github repository, this should be set to subdir = "/" as default.


A character containing a type of the remote repository. Currently it can be 'github' or 'bitbucket'.


A data.frame with 4 columns: artifact, tagKey, tagValue and createdDate, corresponding to the current state of Repository.


tag column from tag table has normally the follwing structure: TagKey:TagValue. splitTagsLocal and splitTagsRemote functions can be used to split tag column into two separate columns: tagKey and tagValue. As a result functions from dplyr package can be used to easily summarize, search, and extract artifacts' Tags. See examples.


If repo and user are set to NULL (as default) in the Github mode then global parameters set in setRemoteRepo function are used.

Sometimes we can use addTags* function or userTags parameter in saveToRepo to specify a Tag which might not match TagKey:TagValue structure. It is simply Tag. In this case tagKey = userTags and tagValue = Tag. See examples.

To learn more about Tags and Repository structure check Tags and Repository.


Bug reports and feature requests can be sent to https://github.com/pbiecek/archivist/issues


Biecek P and Kosinski M (2017). "archivist: An R Package for Managing, Recording and Restoring Data Analysis Results." _Journal of Statistical Software_, *82*(11), pp. 1-28. doi: 10.18637/jss.v082.i11 (URL: http://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v082.i11). URL https://github.com/pbiecek/archivist

See also



setLocalRepo(system.file("graphGallery", package = "archivist"))
head(showLocalRepo(method = "tags"))
head(splitTagsLocal() )

## Github Version
# Let's check how does table tag look like while we are using the
# Gitub repository.
# We will choose only special columns of data frames that show Tags
head(showRemoteRepo( user = "pbiecek", repo = "archivist", method = "tags" )[,2])
head(splitTagsRemote( user = "pbiecek", repo = "archivist" )[,2:3])

head(splitTagsRemote("PieczaraPietraszki", "BetaAndBit", "master", "UniwersytetDzieci/arepo"))
# }