Przewodnik po pakiecie R


Przewodnik po pakiecie R

EN: ,,Przewodnik po pakiecie R’’ (The Guide to the R) was my first book. I wrote it in 2007. The first edition was 350+ pages long guide for R language, applied statistics and graphics. It was published in 2008 and now after few years it has 4 major editions. Every few years the book is being updated as the R language evolves. It was fun to write this book it was a first polish book about R and I still get some warm emails about it.

My adventure with R continued. In 2008 I’ve started a R community in Wroclaw (WZUR) after few years I’ve started a community in Warsaw SER which has now more than 2000+ participants on Meetup.

In 2015 I’ve created a massive online open course for R PogromcyDanych and more than 7000 people took part in it.

The Guide to the R package was the first published Polish book focused on the R language. The current fourth edition consists of four parts: Basics of using R (+tidyverse, shiny, knitr and other goodies), Programming in R (object-oriented, package development, class system), Statistics with R (statistical tests, models, exploration techniques) and Visualization with R (graphics, lattice and ggplot2 packages).

PL: Przewodnik po pakiecie R był pierwszą wydaną polskojęzyczną książką poświęconą językowi R. Aktualne czwarte wydanie składa się z czterech części: Podstaw posługiwania się językiem R (+tidyverse, shiny, knitr i inne smaczki), Programowanie w R (obiektowe, tworzenie pakietów, system klas), Statystyka z R (testy statystyczne, modele, techniki eksploracji) i Wizualizacja z R (pakiety graphics, lattice i ggplot2).
