Function 'plot.ceteris_paribus_explainer' plots Ceteris Paribus Plots for selected observations. Various parameters help to decide what should be plotted, profiles, aggregated profiles, points or rugs.

# S3 method for ceteris_paribus_explainer
plot(x, ..., size = 1, alpha = 0.3,
  color = "black", size_points = 2, alpha_points = 1,
  color_points = color, size_rugs = 0.5, alpha_rugs = 1,
  color_rugs = color, size_residuals = 1, alpha_residuals = 1,
  color_residuals = color, only_numerical = TRUE,
  show_profiles = TRUE, show_observations = TRUE, show_rugs = FALSE,
  show_residuals = FALSE, aggregate_profiles = NULL, = FALSE,
  facet_ncol = NULL, selected_variables = NULL)



a ceteris paribus explainer produced with function `ceteris_paribus()`


other explainers that shall be plotted together


a numeric. Size of lines to be plotted


a numeric between 0 and 1. Opacity of lines


a character. Either name of a color or name of a variable that should be used for coloring


a numeric. Size of points to be plotted


a numeric between 0 and 1. Opacity of points


a character. Either name of a color or name of a variable that should be used for coloring


a numeric. Size of rugs to be plotted


a numeric between 0 and 1. Opacity of rugs


a character. Either name of a color or name of a variable that should be used for coloring


a numeric. Size of line and points to be plotted for residuals


a numeric between 0 and 1. Opacity of points and lines for residuals


a character. Either name of a color or name of a variable that should be used for coloring for residuals


a logical. If TRUE then only numerical variables will be plotted. If FALSE then only categorical variables will be plotted.


a logical. If TRUE then profiles will be plotted. Either individual or aggregate (see `aggregate_profiles`)


a logical. If TRUE then individual observations will be marked as points


a logical. If TRUE then individual observations will be marked as rugs


a logical. If TRUE then residuals will be plotted as a line ended with a point


function. If NULL (default) then individual profiles will be plotted. If a function (e.g. mean or median) then profiles will be aggregated and only the aggregate profile will be plotted

if TRUE then returning plot will have gg class


number of columns for the `facet_wrap()`


if not NULL then only `selected_variables` will be presented


a ggplot2 object


library("randomForest") set.seed(59) apartments_rf_model <- randomForest(m2.price ~ construction.year + surface + floor + no.rooms + district, data = apartments) explainer_rf <- explain(apartments_rf_model, data = apartmentsTest[,2:6], y = apartmentsTest$m2.price) apartments_small <- apartmentsTest[1:20,] apartments_small_1 <- apartmentsTest[1,] apartments_small_2 <- select_sample(apartmentsTest, n = 20) apartments_small_3 <- select_neighbours(apartmentsTest, apartments_small_1, n = 20) cp_rf <- ceteris_paribus(explainer_rf, apartments_small) cp_rf_1 <- ceteris_paribus(explainer_rf, apartments_small_1) cp_rf_2 <- ceteris_paribus(explainer_rf, apartments_small_2) cp_rf_3 <- ceteris_paribus(explainer_rf, apartments_small_3) cp_rf
#> Top profiles : #> m2.price construction.year surface floor no.rooms district _yhat_ #> 1001 4644 1920 131 3 5 Srodmiescie 4255.354 #> 1001.1 4644 1921 131 3 5 Srodmiescie 4300.702 #> 1001.2 4644 1922 131 3 5 Srodmiescie 4301.926 #> 1001.3 4644 1923 131 3 5 Srodmiescie 4305.352 #> 1001.4 4644 1923 131 3 5 Srodmiescie 4305.352 #> 1001.5 4644 1924 131 3 5 Srodmiescie 4267.723 #> _vname_ _ids_ _label_ #> 1001 construction.year 1001 randomForest #> 1001.1 construction.year 1001 randomForest #> 1001.2 construction.year 1001 randomForest #> 1001.3 construction.year 1001 randomForest #> 1001.4 construction.year 1001 randomForest #> 1001.5 construction.year 1001 randomForest #> #> #> Top observations: #> m2.price construction.year surface floor no.rooms district _yhat_ #> 1001 4644 1976 131 3 5 Srodmiescie 4160.840 #> 1002 3082 1978 112 9 4 Mokotow 3208.201 #> 1003 2498 1958 100 7 4 Bielany 2708.745 #> 1004 2735 1951 112 3 5 Wola 2719.604 #> 1005 2781 1978 102 4 4 Bemowo 2939.989 #> 1006 2936 2001 116 7 4 Bemowo 2995.042 #> _label_ #> 1001 randomForest #> 1002 randomForest #> 1003 randomForest #> 1004 randomForest #> 1005 randomForest #> 1006 randomForest
cp_rf_y <- ceteris_paribus(explainer_rf, apartments_small, y = apartments_small$m2.price) cp_rf_y1 <- ceteris_paribus(explainer_rf, apartments_small_1, y = apartments_small_1$m2.price) cp_rf_y2 <- ceteris_paribus(explainer_rf, apartments_small_2, y = apartments_small_2$m2.price) cp_rf_y3 <- ceteris_paribus(explainer_rf, apartments_small_3, y = apartments_small_3$m2.price) plot(cp_rf_y, show_profiles = TRUE, show_observations = TRUE, show_residuals = TRUE, color = "black", alpha = 0.3, alpha_points = 1, alpha_residuals = 0.5, size_points = 2, size_rugs = 0.5)
plot(cp_rf_y, show_profiles = TRUE, show_observations = TRUE, show_residuals = TRUE, color = "black", selected_variables = c("construction.year", "surface"), alpha = 0.3, alpha_points = 1, alpha_residuals = 0.5, size_points = 2, size_rugs = 0.5)
plot(cp_rf_y1, show_profiles = TRUE, show_observations = TRUE, show_rugs = TRUE, show_residuals = TRUE, alpha = 0.5, size_points = 3, alpha_points = 1, size_rugs = 0.5)
plot(cp_rf_y2, show_profiles = TRUE, show_observations = TRUE, show_rugs = TRUE, alpha = 0.2, alpha_points = 1, size_rugs = 0.5)
plot(cp_rf_y3, show_profiles = TRUE, show_rugs = TRUE, show_residuals = TRUE, alpha = 0.2, color_residuals = "orange", size_rugs = 0.5)
plot(cp_rf_y, show_profiles = TRUE, show_observations = TRUE, show_rugs = TRUE, size_rugs = 0.5, show_residuals = TRUE, alpha = 0.5, color = "surface", = TRUE) + scale_color_gradient(low = "darkblue", high = "darkred")
plot(cp_rf_y1, show_profiles = TRUE, show_observations = TRUE, show_rugs = TRUE, show_residuals = TRUE, alpha = 0.5, color = "surface", size_points = 3)
plot(cp_rf_y2, show_profiles = TRUE, show_observations = TRUE, show_rugs = TRUE, size = 0.5, alpha = 0.5, color = "surface")
plot(cp_rf_y, show_profiles = TRUE, show_rugs = TRUE, size_rugs = 0.5, show_residuals = FALSE, aggregate_profiles = mean, color = "darkblue")