This function implements decomposition of model predictions with identification of interactions. The complexity of this function is O(2*p) for additive models and O(2*p^2) for interactions. This function works in similar way to step-up and step-down greedy approaximations, the main difference is that in the fisrt step the order of variables is determied. And in the second step the impact is calculated.

break_down(explainer, new_observation, check_interactions = TRUE,
  keep_distributions = FALSE)



a model to be explained, preprocessed by function `DALEX::explain()`.


a new observation with columns that corresponds to variables used in the model


the orgin/baseline for the `breakDown`` plots, where the rectangles start. It may be a number or a character "Intercept". In the latter case the orgin will be set to model intercept.


if TRUE, then the distribution of partial predictions is stored in addition to the average.


an object of the broken class


library("DALEX") library("breakDown") library("randomForest") set.seed(1313) # example with interaction # classification for HR data model <- randomForest(status ~ . , data = HR) new_observation <- HRTest[1,] data <- HR[1:1000,] predict.function <- function(m,x) predict(m,x, type = "prob")[,1] explainer_rf_fired <- explain(model, data = HR[1:1000,1:5], y = HR$status[1:1000] == "fired", predict_function = function(m,x) predict(m,x, type = "prob")[,1], label = "fired") bd_rf <- break_down(explainer_rf_fired, new_observation, keep_distributions = TRUE) bd_rf
#> contribution #> (Intercept) 0.386 #> * hours = 42 0.231 #> * salary = 2 -0.216 #> * age:gender = 58:male 0.397 #> * evaluation = 2 -0.019 #> final_prognosis 0.778 #> baseline: 0
plot(bd_rf, plot_distributions = TRUE)
bd_rf <- break_down(explainer_rf_fired, new_observation, check_interactions = FALSE, keep_distributions = TRUE) bd_rf
#> contribution #> (Intercept) 0.386 #> * hours = 42 0.231 #> * salary = 2 -0.216 #> * evaluation = 2 0.006 #> * age = 58 0.092 #> * gender = male 0.281 #> final_prognosis 0.778 #> baseline: 0
# example for regression - apartment prices # here we do not have intreactions model <- randomForest(m2.price ~ . , data = apartments) explainer_rf <- explain(model, data = apartmentsTest[1:1000,2:6], y = apartmentsTest$m2.price[1:1000], label = "rf") bd_rf <- break_down(explainer_rf, apartmentsTest[1,], check_interactions = FALSE, keep_distributions = TRUE) bd_rf
#> contribution #> (Intercept) 3487.722 #> * district = Srodmiescie 1034.737 #> * surface = 130 -315.991 #> * no.rooms = 5 -163.113 #> * floor = 3 150.529 #> * construction.year = 2000 -24.021 #> final_prognosis 4169.863 #> baseline: 0
plot(bd_rf, plot_distributions = TRUE)