Break Down Plot

# S3 method for broken
plot(x, trans = I, ..., top_features = 0,
  min_delta = 0, add_contributions = TRUE, vcolors = c(`-1` =
  "#f05a71", `0` = "#371ea3", `1` = "#8bdcbe", X = "#371ea3"),
  digits = 3, rounding_function = round, plot_distributions = FALSE)



the model model of 'broken' class


transformation that shal be applied to scores


other parameters


maximal number of variables from model we want to plot


minimal stroke value of variables from model we want to plot


shall variable contributions to be added on plot?


named vector with colors


number of decimal places (round) or significant digits (signif) to be used. See the rounding_function argument


function that is to used for rounding numbers. It may be signif() which keeps a specified number of significant digits. Or the default round() to have the same precision for all components


if TRUE then distributions of conditional propotions will be plotted. This requires keep_distributions=TRUE in the broken.default().


a ggplot2 object


library("breakDown") library("randomForest") library("ggplot2") set.seed(1313) model <- randomForest(factor(left)~., data = HR_data, family = "binomial", maxnodes = 5) predict.function <- function(model, new_observation) predict(model, new_observation, type="prob")[,2] predict.function(model, HR_data[11,-7])
#> [1] 0.888
explain_1 <- broken(model, HR_data[11,-7], data = HR_data[,-7], predict.function = predict.function, direction = "down") explain_1
#> contribution #> (Intercept) 0.148 #> - satisfaction_level = 0.45 0.133 #> - number_project = 2 0.201 #> - last_evaluation = 0.54 0.182 #> - average_montly_hours = 135 0.141 #> - time_spend_company = 3 0.068 #> - Work_accident = 0 0.010 #> - salary = low 0.005 #> - sales = sales 0.000 #> - promotion_last_5years = 0 0.000 #> final_prognosis 0.888 #> baseline: 0
plot(explain_1) + ggtitle("breakDown plot (direction=down) for randomForest model")
explain_2 <- broken(model, HR_data[11,-7], data = HR_data[,-7], predict.function = predict.function, direction = "down", keep_distributions = TRUE) plot(explain_2, plot_distributions = TRUE) + ggtitle("breakDown distributions (direction=down) for randomForest model")
explain_3 <- broken(model, HR_data[11,-7], data = HR_data[,-7], predict.function = predict.function, direction = "up", keep_distributions = TRUE) plot(explain_3, plot_distributions = TRUE) + ggtitle("breakDown distributions (direction=up) for randomForest model")
model <- lm(quality~., data=wine) new_observation <- wine[1,] br <- broken(model, new_observation) plot(br)
plot(br, top_features = 2)
plot(br, top_features = 2, min_delta = 0.01)