The broken function is a generic function for decomposition of model predictions. For linear models please use broken.lm, for generic linear models please use broken.glm. For all other models please use the model agnostic version broken.default. Please note, that some of these functions have additional parameters.

broken(model, new_observation, ...)



a model


a new observation with columns that corresponds to variables used in the model


other parameters


an object of the broken class


library("breakDown") library("randomForest") library("ggplot2") set.seed(1313) model <- randomForest(factor(left)~., data = HR_data, family = "binomial", maxnodes = 5) predict.function <- function(model, new_observation) predict(model, new_observation, type="prob")[,2] predict.function(model, HR_data[11,-7])
#> [1] 0.888
explain_1 <- broken(model, HR_data[11,-7], data = HR_data[,-7], predict.function = predict.function, direction = "down") explain_1
#> contribution #> (Intercept) 0.148 #> - satisfaction_level = 0.45 0.133 #> - number_project = 2 0.201 #> - last_evaluation = 0.54 0.182 #> - average_montly_hours = 135 0.141 #> - time_spend_company = 3 0.068 #> - Work_accident = 0 0.010 #> - salary = low 0.005 #> - sales = sales 0.000 #> - promotion_last_5years = 0 0.000 #> final_prognosis 0.888 #> baseline: 0
plot(explain_1) + ggtitle("breakDown plot (direction=down) for randomForest model")
explain_2 <- broken(model, HR_data[11,-7], data = HR_data[,-7], predict.function = predict.function, direction = "down", keep_distributions = TRUE) plot(explain_2, plot_distributions = TRUE) + ggtitle("breakDown distributions (direction=down) for randomForest model")
explain_3 <- broken(model, HR_data[11,-7], data = HR_data[,-7], predict.function = predict.function, direction = "up", keep_distributions = TRUE) plot(explain_3, plot_distributions = TRUE) + ggtitle("breakDown distributions (direction=up) for randomForest model")